The Clique novel is being turned into a new DS game called The Clique: Teen Queen. In this game, you arrive at OCD as a new student. The goal of the game is to make new friends, become popular, and join the Pretty Committee. By playing mini-games, you can earn money to buy all the hotest clothing and accessories. You will also be able to interact with Massie, Dylan, Kristen, and Alicia in different challenges and situations. You'll have to wait until the fall to own the game, but for now you can check out some pictures from the game and an article about it!

tats so kool!!! ;)
OMG! I can't w8 to get it! I will soo be there when it gets out!
ehmagawd that's gonna be great b sure to check out my site it's nohting with alpha's themselves I just opened it!!!!
omj omj omj gugu kull Clique rox
Massie is the best!
WAIT! when does it actually come out?
OMG!!!!! i cant wait until i get it i <3 the clique! massie rox! :)
i'm soo there..
Massie is great!!...she's the best among the other!..
i cant w8 to get it!=)=)wanna this game!..when it will be out??
oh my gosh, when???
ehmagawd ah-mazing
I AM so gonna get dat it looks so cool!:D =D Sickage man
ehmygawd that is going to be uh-mazing and has anyone heard of the other game diss and make up If you have tell me if it is good or not! K BYE
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